Its central conceit is the idea that a person can transmit evil simply by touching a stranger.
Not all the participants have mobile equipment, however, and most simply transmit an image of themselves sitting at their computer.
Indeed, a company selling sexual material would not need to employ people at an offshore location, but could simply transmit its latest material electronically.
"We shall simply transmit a signal that will shut down their weapons and propulsion."
Hidden curriculum: Draws to the idea that schools do more than simply transmit knowledge, as laid down in the official curricula.
The purpose of public speaking can range from simply transmitting information, to motivating people to act, to simply telling a story.
They can't walk into a classroom and simply transmit their enthusiasms.
Often he doesn't even bother escaping, but simply transmits his thoughts into a robot body at one of his secret bases.
Instead of simply transmitting the forces you exert, it amplifies them by a factor of ten.
The rest of us don't transmit simply because we don't have the ability.