His riposte was like a bolt of silver lightning.
A sheet of silver lightning fanned across the room, momentarily blinding Vala.
As lines of silver lightning connected them with the Posleen mass the front ranks began to explode.
The lines of silver lightning drifted across the face of the black cube and fire erupted behind them.
A hurricane of silver lightning crashed into the remaining Posleen.
Their lines of silver lightning stretched out to the charging Posleen and tore them apart like paper.
Her eyes were blue desert sky, split with streaks of silver lightning; she peered at Meguet, blinking.
The silver lightning waschewing the ridgeline, sweeping away the front rank of Posleen as they came into view.
The sui'dam straightened when they saw her, proud as the silver lightning in the red panels on their skirts.
Above them the sky had darkened as it had the previous afternoon, with a jagged spear of silver lightning occasionally crackling down.