"It's hard to argue for seeding effect if there is little silver iodide," he said.
A strong hot solution of common salt served to stabilize or fix the image by removing the remaining silver iodide.
Paper with a coating of silver iodide was exposed in the camera and developed into a translucent negative image.
If increased levels of silver iodide accumulate in the environment, will they cause harm?
This time, the silver iodide did not fall into the eyewall, and no reduction in windspeed was observed.
The structure (or phase) adopted by silver iodide depends on temperature of the solid:
Over the next three days, silver iodide was used in a seeding experiment to weaken the hurricane.
Iodyrite or iodargyrite is a natural mineral form of silver iodide.
These heavy-duty weapons launch pellets containin-g silver iodide into clouds.
Vonnegut searched for another crystalline substance that would have a similar effect, and he found it in silver iodide.