From the sound of him, the man had to be in terrible pain.
At first he thought that I was having some terrible physical pain.
I've had a terrible pain in my arm for maybe six weeks, and right down.
For a moment there was terrible pain in her eyes.
She was in terrible pain for two days, but we still did it on the second day, because I'm really good.
I was still in terrible pain, but Mother called me immediately to her room.
She felt a terrible pain at the sight of these things.
The terrible pain in his head went on, and it was still impossible to think.
We've both known terrible pain and loss, but it didn't break us.
In high school, the terrible pain hit her - but no one believed there was anything wrong.
Once I worked with a man who had severe pain.
Have you had severe pain for 4 hours or longer?
There was severe pain in my lower back and I couldn't move for several hours.
What's an average person with severe back pain supposed to do?
He had also been in severe pain for several months since suffering a fall.
They are intended to be used only for a few days to get you through the most severe pain.
Severe pain that does not improve after a few days of home treatment.
Severe pain will usually be present at the point of injury.
The national security adviser looked like he was in severe pain.
He was also having severe back pain, a chronic problem.
He looked up at me now deep pain and anger in his eyes.
This is because the sense of deep pain has been abolished.
A look of deep pain crossed the large man's face.
It was a deep pain which shot through his breast.
Even through ten thousand miles of bad connection I could hear the deep pain in his voice.
You have a sadness, a deep pain in your heart.
Many parents experience deep pain and despair about their teenage children.
What he had done filled her with a deep pain that refused to go away.
In the depths of her stomach was a deep hard pain.
These tender points are often not areas of deep pain.
After five hours of intense pain, she asked to be put back on it.
The other important thing to remember is that the intense pain does pass.
He tried to stand and found that the effort produced intense pain.
Thus, however intense their pain, they can hope that the worst is over.
He couldn't change and started falling with the intense pain.
After almost two months of intense pain, he died there on the following 4 August.
I could see, and feel, that he was struggling against intense pain.
Others could not move their eyes without enduring intense pain.
Even now, hurt and angry, in intense pain, I still love her more than life.
All he knew for sure was that every breath caused intense pain in his left side.
Many of us died here as well, usually in great pain.
Others have no sign of a physical problem, but are in great pain.
So what was this great pain he felt in his body?
If he has a child, it must make the pain even greater.
It gave him great pain to look at her face.
It was still greater pain to watch her going from him.
"You are so concerned with how everyone else might be feeling, and yet I see a great pain in your blue eyes, my friend."
The old one was a dog, and I hope he died in great pain when you killed him.
At first it had been a great pain that sent her running.
Some people have conditions that should cause great pain, but don't.