She answers to Isa, Izzy, Bella, Betta and sillier nicknames.
Players choose from silly nicknames such as "Sparkles" or "Spaz," customize physical attributes such as hair color and height, and then distribute skill points as desired.
When she speaks to him over the phone detailing the mission and he addresses her as "Seccotine" she tells him to drop that silly nickname and instead use her real name.
People will dredge up the tacky little memories - silly nicknames, embarrassing moments, odd character traits - but Bowe seemed to escape that.
(even now he had to be careful not to refer to the man by that silly nickname.)
How many times must I tell you that I am not God, not even some sort of metapsychic recording angel-in spite of the silly nickname that was given me!
He manufactures no silly nicknames or categories.
I . . . I . . . somehow, Jingle is such a silly nickname for a big boy.
Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico is the jock and former frat boy, who, like George W. Bush, loves to dispense silly nicknames.
He probably has a silly nickname.