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After dinner, we had tea on the bluff under the silk cotton trees looking out over the river, absorbed into its silence.
Beyond it, a thick-boled silk cotton tree shook with the impact of something slamming into its trunk.
For everyday wear, cotton-based materials such as terry-cot and silk cotton are comfortable.
The tree is also known as kapok tree and silk cotton tree.
Construction of the war canoe was typically from one massive tree trunk, with the silk cotton tree being particularly useful.
Hanno stepped out from behind the buttress roots of a silk cotton tree where he'd sheltered when he heard the flies.
Serrekunda is known for its market, its silk cotton tree and its wrestling arena.
Amongst the mahogany trees are box, cabbage palm, silk cotton, and avocado trees.
The silk cotton tree provided many of the most suitable logs for massive canoe building, and launching was via wooden rollers to the water.
"Silk cotton, laurels, figs, mahogany, rosewood, palms of every variety.
Khair, Sissoo and Silk cotton trees occur along watercourses.
Soucouyants trade the blood of their victims for evil powers with Bazil the demon who resides in the silk cotton tree.
(Columbus was impressed with the scale of their massive canoes hewn from silk cotton trees.)
Some authors suggest that the silky anteater usually dwells in silk cotton trees (genus Ceiba).
During World War II, a tall silk cotton tree growing within the fort was used as a lookout post.
But he also gets occasional orders for customized mattresses, which he fills with feathers or kapok, a silk cotton.
Most Eloyi practice their traditional beliefs, which center on the god Owo, who is symbolized by a white silk cotton tree or a fig tree.
Simlipal National Park derives its name from the abundance of Semul or red silk cotton trees that bloom vividly.
Clothes are mostly made of cotton, wool imported from Myanmar and silk cotton which is a rarity in most of Bangladesh.
The major plantation crops here is Silk Cotton, Mango, Pepper, Coffee, Tea and Cardamom.
In Escape From Silk Cotton Forest by Francis Escayg, the Lagahoo are not all evil.
In some traditions, human beings were made by him when he sent a bolt of lightning down to strike a silk cotton tree, which split and revealed a man and a woman.
Silk cotton from the Silk cotton tree, the simal, was gathered in large quantities to surround the pillar before it was lowered horizontally to the ground.
Common names for the genus include Silk Cotton Tree, Simal, Red Cotton Tree, Kapok, and simply Bombax.
Bombax buonopozense, commonly known as the Gold Coast Bombax or Red-flowered Silk Cotton Tree, is a tree in the mallow family.