There's a bit of a story, worth recounting, behind Warhol's signature stamp.
Eventually Warhol relented, agreeing to mark each of his works with a signature stamp.
As such, they functioned as portable signature stamps, identity tags, and possibly even as credit cards.
Mainly the manufacture of ornamental carvings and Asian signature stamps.
Most ivory is used to make signature stamps, popular in Japan and other Asian countries.
But most ivory is used to make signature stamps, popular in Japan, the largest consumer of finished ivory products, and other Asian countries.
As part of the six-year arrangement, she says, she gave him her signature stamp and changed her address of record to his.
Manufacturers of chops, Asian signature stamps, remain the largest consumers of ivory, but even they are turning to other materials.
By midnight, copies were being sold with a signature stamp since Collins had a hand injury and was unable to sign.
The manufacture of ornamental carvings and Asian signature stamps.