A large number of bridges were built during the 12th century to improve the trade network.
Rural trade networks, however, have been a part of life since the 1950s.
These early people were well organized and had an extensive trade network with other tribes in Florida.
Their initial data shows how the site was organized, fitted within trade networks, and changed over time.
A way to survive until the trade networks take over.
Their trade network soon became profitable and they managed to make a fortune.
This trade network continued all the way into the classical era.
This discovery also shows that important trade networks were set up much earlier than previously thought.
For two centuries this trade network was the prime economic driver in the area.
Effectively, local producers are given a step up by being included in the fair trade network.
Outside France, the company has tried to maintain what it calls a "very selective sales network."
Some insurance companies also offer funds through their sales network.
What you thought was your social network is actually a sales network.
Proton's global sales network peaked between 1994 and the early 2000s.
At the time of the merger, both companies had developed a strong international sales network.
Today Blueair has a sales network through around 50 countries.
Some analysts predicted the company would be broken up, although its brand name and sales network still have value.
"The sales network is set up to sell our American-made products."
Secondly, the book trade is more to us than simply a sales network for books.
The company's products are sold in more than 80 countries, 18 of which have their own direct sales network.