Los Angeles County has a statute (which dates from 1944) concerning mounting a "shortwave receiver" in a motor vehicle.
I did not feel the situation would wait for tonight's check-in, when our shuttle-to-shuttle shortwave receivers are more likely to work.
They were characterised by their heavy-duty, high-quality construction and their performance as shortwave receivers.
The radio room also had a shortwave receiver for wavelengths 10 to 280 m (high frequency).
During the 1930s, new shortwave receivers appeared on the market as well as popular shortwave magazines and clubs.
Some electronics retailers even reported a "run" on portable shortwave receivers due to the increased interest at the time.
A feature coming into wide use in modern shortwave receivers is DSP technology, short for digital signal processing.
Additionally, a number of remotely controlled shortwave receivers located around the world are available to users on the web.
WWCR claims that there are 1.5 billion shortwave receivers worldwide.
Many newer shortwave receivers are portable and can be battery-operated, making them useful in difficult circumstances.