The sudden exposure of labor spies has driven workers "to violence and unreason", including at least one shooting war.
They won their biggest shooting wars before they became head of state.
This return to normalcy will, of course, be delayed if there is another terrorist incident or a large-scale shooting war.
Striking miners began to return fire, and a general shooting war broke out.
Besides, they will not want an all-out shooting war in the Gulf because that will just compound the oil problems and se.
But the most ominous part of the message was that the world situation had escalated to a conventional shooting war.
In both cases, it can be argued, this contributed in an important way to the shooting wars that ensued.
That, however, would mean a two-front shooting war against opponents of nearly equal military strength.
But even though America is in the midst of a bloody shooting war, up until last week that had not been an issue.