The forcing function in the equation is the accelerative shock load delivered to the pelvis by the event.
There are a limited number of applications that involve repeated shock loads to the knot and in these 4 wraps are usually sufficient.
So, the wear factors, redundancy, material grades and shock loads are different between jack-ups and liftboats.
The bombs, if you drop them in the right spot, provide enough of a shock load to trigger an avalanche.
The buffer is made available to absorb and reduce shock loads of both barrel and slide in their extreme rear positions.
Two drawbacks to ceramic bearings are a significantly higher cost and susceptibility to damage under shock loads.
The clear leader spreads the shock load to a long stretch of tape instead of to the microscopic splice.
Its main characteristic is a clutch that assists in braking under a shock load.
These shock loads may cause comfort problems for the driver of the vehicle using an iCVT.
To reduce the transmission of shock loads from one shaft to another.