Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
It is held in place by a pin on the forward end or a shock cord.
Added shock cord to hold the top on the outboard.
Incidentally the shock cord does not have to be too powerful to do the job properly.
Make sure the shock cord is not jammed up tight by the fold.
This then gives a range of spring strengths from one to four shock cord lengths.
For very light wind pressures, a single lighter length of shock cord is used instead.
Full length shock cord at the bottom is provided.
You should be able to tighten or loosen your shock cord to suit.
They are available in black and white and can be used either screwed down or on the end of shock cord.
The flight was excellent, straight up, but the recovery failed when the shock cord snapped.
Tie off a piece of shock cord to the armrest on the passenger side.
Scouts were encouraged to use their garters for shock cord where necessary.
External mesh pockets and shock cord for added load carrying.
The shock cord loses its elasticity over time and needs to be replaced when this happens.
The club members taught themselves to fly using the glider launched by shock cord.
Shock cords are needed for strapping and are not supplied.
Blue tarps held down by shock cords topped everything.
The line with the strip of wood allows me to lower the rudder and tension the shock cord to hold it down.
Wrap the main pack straps away in the crampon shock cords.
It is carried clipped to the deckline each side and held under the deck shock cords.
With this in place, the maximum spring tension is now made up of four lengths of shock cord.
The mounting system includes bungee-like shock cords to protect the computer from jolts.
The opposite end of the shock cord is normally knotted to prevent it from slipping into the power lever.
Front shock cord clips to lifting point.
Installed on the main shock cord is a small locating bleeper, which sounds much louder than its size would suggest.