Only his blue eyes, shining coldly through the eyeholes, testified to the maliciousness of the soul beneath.
Above the stage the brilliant moon of the tenth month shone coldly down.
Gore smiled, snow-white teeth shining coldly between gold lips.
It broke through the upper atmosphere and there were all the suns of the Galaxy shining coldly on every hand.
Outside, the stars were shining coldly in a cloudless sky, and the breath of the passers-by blew out into smoke like so many pistol shots.
Weirdly and coldly shone the great berg in the darkness, pouring forth a light as of frozen stars.
It shone coldly upon this far-out world.
It also shone coldly on the body that lay crumpled facedown on the floor.
His mind seemed older than theirs: it shone coldly on their strifes and happiness and regrets like a moon upon a younger earth.
The stars shone coldly as Justen stepped into the early autumn evening.