They must have been riding for a long time, but there was no sign of a large town, only a solitary light shining ahead.
They were passing down the service road now, the lights of the Freemark house shining ahead through the trees.
Rowe's eyes appeared to shine ahead into the next century.
He shone the beam ahead into the undergrowth but couldn't see anyone.
The open space ahead shone wide and desolate under the moon, but my route would not force me to cross it.
It was shining through a cleft in the wall ahead.
It was a little court, wide enough for a truck to pass, with street lights shining ahead.
The sky needles of Manhattan were shining in the brilliant sun only a few miles ahead.
Standard headlights shine straight ahead, no matter what direction the car is moving.
Rogers walked to the edge of the cylinder, keeping his light shined ahead.