This strikingly beautiful show offers the results of his labors, depicting the Campagna in richly colored images made with a sharply observant eye.
In fact, every so often, you can feel Collins hiding behind him, feeding him those sharply observant outsider's lines.
There was the faintest trace of a smile on his lips, but his eyes were keen, sharply observant.
He looked about more unconcernedly, sharply observant, every detail of the pretty interior registering itself on his brain.
Watching "Rikers High," an engaging, sharply observant film, is an exercise in frustration.
The handsome features were aquiline, the eyes dark, liquid, and sharply observant.
Kate Clinton, a stand-up comedian, is a sharply observant but hardly threatening host.
Sharply observant, she sized me up throughout the visit.
His caricatures of his fellow Newlyn artists were often witty and sharply observant.
There's Ida, who lives in an asylum but is less crazy than she is sharply observant.