Krasnaya Zvezda, a newspaper published by the Soviet Defense Ministry, sharply assailed the managers of the Blackjack program in an May 1 article.
Several shareholders sharply assailed the company's administration and questioned executives on how they could have failed to notice so large an operation.
Last month, he made headlines by sharply assailing President Bush and the American push for war with Iraq.
Today, he sharply assailed obscenity and pornography and said that he would deal with such crimes harshly.
Question on Treaty Limits The report sharply assails the Administration's new interpretation, developed by Abraham D. Sofaer, the State Department legal adviser.
But they sharply assail his Democratic opponent, Assemblyman Eric N. Vitaliano, depicting him as having voted to raise taxes and to increase welfare spending.
Smith & Wesson agreed to Mr. Spitzer's code of conduct, but the National Rifle Association sharply assailed the company, intimidating other manufacturers.
Though many legislators sharply and often colorfully assailed Mr. Gaidar and his economic program, no influential deputies or factions sounded demands for his ouster.
His criticism of China is far milder than that in the State Department's annual report on human rights, which sharply assailed Chinese abuses.
Mr. Dukakis had used an appearance in New Jersey Thursday to sharply assail Mr. Bush's record on the environment.