Their suction cups were on the ground, and their shafts, which were extremely flexible, usually pointed to the sky.
A shaft of street-light pointed the way to a flight of lino covered stairs not more than eight metres ahead.
Alexandre M. Badawy suggested that the shafts pointed to Orion's Belt during the period of the construction of the Giza complex.
By contrast, the shaft of a horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) points into the wind while its blades move at right-angles to the wind's thrust.
It was on the fourteenth and last day that the mercury froze, the solid red shaft pointed its congealed finger at forty below.
On their way they passed an ox cart that had been tipped backwards and weighted down with stones so that its single shaft pointed skywards.
The simple Aleut harpoon consisted of four main parts: the wooden shaft, the bone foreshaft, and the bonehead (tip) with barbs pointed backward.
Not only was the design supremely accurate - each 230m-long side varies by mere centimetres - the subtleties of its construction are exceptional: the internal shafts point towards important constellations, for example, and it aligns with true north.
Many putters also have an offset hosel, which places the shaft of the club in line with the center of the ball at impact, again to improve stability and feel as, combined with the vertical bend, the shaft will point directly into the center of the ball at impact.