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He touched her leg lightly and sexlessly.
The third figure, standing a-crouch behind the table, was sexlessly scrawny, with an effect of wiry old age, and either gowned or clad closely in jet black.
Younger children in particular, before the insidious and evil influence of society and their parents have properly got to them, are sexlessly open and hence perfectly likeable.
I reasoned that the Buick was fully paid for, that even at seven m.p.g. it wouldn't cost $250 a month for gasoline, so why lose money to drive a sexlessly underpowered rice burner?
His eyes were perfectly round and blank, his movements those of a wound-up toy: the face, covered with powder, was sexlessly young - but for the male formal dress, the white face and red hair could have been those of a pretty young woman in her twenties.
Among the more central and damaging performances are those of Pamela Nyberg, who acts Kitty, the sweet and distraught prostitute, as if she were a cross young suburban matron, and Kevin James Kelly, who goofily and sexlessly caricatures the young man smitten by her.
Never again has the author been in love, he says, even though he has slept with thousands of young men (and the occasional woman, he hints), always as the seducer and the assertive partner, and even though for some 40 years he has lived, sexlessly, with his companion, Howard Auster.