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About 38% of the population is covered by a sewerage system.
Implementation of the sewerage system was first started in 2011.
Some 45 percent of the population is not connected to the public sewerage system.
The main issue facing the island is lack of a sewerage system.
However, a sewerage system for all residents has not yet been completed.
Even the sewerage system was held up as a model of good asylum practice.
For a time, he was employed on the sewerage system of Boston.
London's growth has put pressure on the capacity of the sewerage system.
Over the next six years the main elements of the London sewerage system were created.
Only half of Japan's homes are connected to sewerage systems.
In parallel, an effort was made to expand the sewerage system.
It is very difficult to exclude ash from the sewerage system.
Expert advice should be sought for the design of a sewerage system.
This design was common when urban sewerage systems were first developed, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Have a site plan that identifies all access and entry points to the sewerage system.
Planning a vacuum sewerage system seems to be initially a question of design.
The original impetus was the need to provide London with a modern sewerage system.
A bond issue financed the establishment of the city sewerage system.
It operates a sewerage system and a wastewater treatment plant.
The local community financed, designed and built their own low-cost sewerage system.
Slightly fewer than half of the nation's homes are hooked up to modern sewerage systems.
Sedimentation problems have never been reported for vacuum sewerage systems.
Shortly thereafter, work began on the drainage and sewerage systems.
He did a lot of construction work, made the sewerage system better and built new governmental official buildings.
Construction of the sewerage system began in August 2011.