About half of dialysis patients remained severely anemic when they received the drug.
The baby, her firstborn, had colic, and she herself was exhausted and severely anemic.
A staff veterinarian can perform surgery, administer x-rays, IVs, and even provide blood transfusions to turtles that are severely anemic.
For Kristie Wolek, the trouble started about a year ago, when her periods became so heavy that the blood loss made her severely anemic.
He became severely anemic.
He was approached by a severely anemic Jehovah's Witness in need of surgery (who, due to religious beliefs, could not accept a blood transfusion).
A standard test showed evidence of blood in Mr. Yeltsin's stool at the time he was more severely anemic.
She was severely anemic so he hooked her up to an IV.
Severely anemic fetuses can be treated with blood transfusions while still in the womb.
Subcutaneous or intravenous fluids are given to dehydrated animals, and severely anemic dogs may require a blood transfusion.