That belief has been rudely undermined by the collapse in the market causing severe embarrassment to many big players.
After Nero's death, the Golden House was a severe embarrassment to his successors.
And if Mobuto was killed on American soil it would prove a severe embarrassment not only to us but to the President as well.
A preliminary and unofficial list of 24 widely disseminated last month, caused severe embarrassment for those on the list.
When the trap dropped, O'Neill fainted, which caused him severe embarrassment.
But the fear that the authorities have to confront is that his identity could prove to be a severe embarrassment.
Largely because of that identification, her departure was a severe embarrassment to the Mayor.
The third-place finish was a severe embarrassment to Mr. Holkeri, and it set the stage for a major battle in 1994.
The fact that both brothers are only wearing their underwear is a source of severe embarrassment for Thomas.
Usually these lost were found alive, suffering from nothing but mild exposure and severe embarrassment.