Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
So set to work and do as I tell you.
Now I set to work upon a project of my own.
I get back to my office and set to work with the phone.
He got out of bed and set to work right then, at three in the morning.
It is time for Team 17 to set to work.
After about a hundred feet, I stopped and set to work.
But now, though it may be too late, I will set to work the right way, from within.
Then he set to work to put my shoulder back.
In the Army, they set to work to make a man of him.
He immediately set to work to put the government in order.
After watching the film, he set to work on the entire piece.
Then she looked at the task ahead of her and set to work.
After each break I'd move him back into a corner and set to work on his body.
Then they returned to the children and set to work on the next part of their training.
Then he shook his head and set to work with a will.
He went to the desk and set to work on them.
He set to work, and in a day finished a design for a type of house.
He set to work to carry out a new idea that had come to him.
Then, he said, "The company set to work to take out everything but one in 10,000 or even more."
He sets to work to build up his new life.
They all set to work to eat a good lunch.
He laid all of these out on the bed and set to work.
The means are ready, and shall be set to work.
Let us set to work, but first come and get a store of fuel.
Telling the boys to stand guard, he set to work.