Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
One subject of scrutiny today was previous problems with the servo valve.
A low voltage is used to control the servo valve.
If the servo valve has stopped working this screen can usually be removed and inspected.
The electro-hydraulic servo valves control the movement of the actuators.
Most servo valves also have a mechanical "null" adjustment.
Inside the servo valve, the flow of hydraulic fluid is controlled by two sliding valves.
A common application for servo valves is on linear positioners used in sawmills.
Servo valves can provide precise control of position, velocity, pressure and force with good post movement damping characteristics.
Hydraulic power is controllede by jet pipe servo valves.
Proportional and servo valves have various applications from mobile equipment to injection molding.
We have thousands of servo valves from the wrecked starships, more than we can use for anything else.
The difference in pressure between the two air chambers creates what is known as the air metering force, which acts to open the servo valve.
It is widely used in engine assemblies, servo valves, landing gear, turbine blades and the like.
The site of the suspected contamination is the servo valve, a piece of the power control unit about the size of a soft drink can.
Hydraulic filters to protect servo valves.
Seven high flow, 77 LPM servo valves are provided for thruster control.
The diaphragms are attached concentrically to a shaft which operates a wedge-shaped servo valve.
The pilot's movement of a control causes the mechanical circuit to open the matching servo valve in the hydraulic circuit.
The fuel metering servo valve responds to pressure differentials across the diaphragms separating the chambers.
The pressure of fuel from the fuel pump pushes against the diaphragm in chamber C, moving the servo valve toward the closed position.
Finally, Roy carefully removed the blanking plates, bolted the delicate servo valves firmly in place, and turned on the main pump.
In the past, to successfully position control pneumatic actuators required the use of expensive proportional servo valves (approx. $1000 each).
In 1961, they created Feinwerktechnik GmbH, a manufacturer of electrical-hydraulic servo valves.
Each actuator unit consists of a hydraulic cylinder, servo valve, position sensor, and force sensor.
Inside the PCU is a dual servo valve which helps direct hydraulic fluid in order to move the rudder.