Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
To put it another way, the left hand side tells the direction of factor service trade.
All the service trades in a place form a service economy.
The services trade deficit shrank slightly, to 2.9 billion dollars.
The rapid growth of the village also encouraged service trades and building.
The service trades have always followed in the wake of the producing industries.
Most companies do not let homeowners combine two repairs with one service trade fee.
The other mainstay in service trade is the interest that foreigners pay on loans from American banks.
The workshop of a garage is a typical example of a service trade.
Many also have grumbles about shops and service trades in the private sector.
I meet civil service trade union representatives from time to time to discuss a variety of issues.
Bilateral service trade increased to $164 million by 2005.
They were integral to building and service trades.
The taxes imposed on goods and services traded online; see e-commerce.
There will be additional service trade fee (deductible) of 50 to 100 dollars per service incident.
We can safely expect to see industry and the financial services trades - insurance as well as banks - getting restless.
Today, service trades and a growing tourist industry have emerged as major players in the Herbster economy.
On the Valet service trade rings are automatically built, and the amount of participants in one trade is not limited.
This would call for fresh instructions to staff, training, and endless negotiations with the civil service trade unions who opposed the creation of new specialists.
For example, if your electrical switch needs a repair and kitchen sink is clogged, you will have to pay the service trade fee twice.
It was the largest deficit in goods and services trade since the $115.9 billion shortfall in 1988.
The bureau, recognizing the need to link the merchandise and services trade statistics, introduced a new net trade figure.
The reason is that service trade is now widening the current-account deficit instead of helping to narrow it.
The yield from their labour fed and educated the people who went on to work in manufacturing and the service trades.
Numerous wharves and warehouses serviced trade with the West Indies.
Organized opposition to Captain Sankara and his revolution comes mainly from the civil service trade unions.