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Why wasn't the news of a serological test reported on?
Very few studies have evaluated the serological tests described in our study.
If infection is suspected, then other serological tests are done.
The serological test is mainly seen in the precipitation reaction.
In some studies, up to 13% of children were found to have serological evidence of infection.
This phenomenon is also seen in serological tests for Brucellosis.
Furthermore, it should be confirmed by a serological test.
With time, using serological, host range studies and eventually sequence data, this proved to be true.
Complex serological techniques have been developed into what are known as Immunoassays.
Serological tests may be inaccurate, and they are frequently misinterpreted.
There are serological similarities shared with several populations that linked the two people in a 1992 study.
Currently, no serological test for M. haemofelis is commercially available.
Serological and imaging tests are commonly used to diagnose this disease.
Serological relationships between different members are found (among Feline calicivirus).
Serological testing can be used to support a clinically suspected case, but is not diagnostic by itself.
All the patients showed clinical and serological recovery on a gluten-free diet.
Then there was another thing - the serological analysis revealed no gerontal antibodies.
Most serological tests would succeed only after a certain period of time past the symptom onset (usually a week).
With the development of serological typing, medical researchers were able to sort bacteria into different strains, or types.
The serological reaction of DR7 is excellent for *0701.
Some practitioners incorrectly assume that the serological tests will become negative after treatment.
There was no serological evidence f such infection, however, and urine culture failed to show the virus.
Besides, serological testing has been negative for influenza virus in all seven patients.
Serological surveys are often used by epidemiologists to determine the prevalence of a disease in a population.
He invented the absorption test for the serological identification of closely allied organisms.