He also produced a series of shipping prints "Outward Bound" and "Homeward Bound" (Liverpool) as well as a series showing famous military vessels.
There was another series of faint clicks in his earphones and then a series of beeps.
She sets up a series of menacing confrontations between Hildegard and the Lucans and a series of near run-ins between the Lucans and their pursuers.
"What it means is to be attacked with a series of - not to put it too strongly - a series of lies and mischaracterizations," Bork said.
Modern law, Lowi has observed, 'has become a series of instructions to administrators rather than a series of commands to citizens'(1979:106, italics omitted).
This instruments consists of a series of a series of wooden bars which when struck, produce notes of definite pitch.
The other programs will include a series of six documentaries about "God and Politics" and a six-hour series of interviews with Joseph Campbell, a scholar in comparative mythology.
I believe that, as far as the Commission is concerned, a whole series of conditions and a whole series of methods are already deployed in any case from that point of view.
The wrestlers portrayed either a good guy or a bad guy as they followed a series of events which lead to a wrestling match or a series of wrestling matches.
The IBM PC line includes the 300 series of "value-priced" machines, and a higher-priced 700 series, which use the Intel Corporation's Pentium microprocessor.