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Historically, all of the early electronic computers were serial computers.
Transmission speeds - the speed of a serial computer is directly dependent upon how fast data can move through hardware.
The 2650 provided the base operating system functions, data transfer, and interface to a host computer or serial computer terminal.
Serial computers required much less hardware than their parallel counterpart, but were, as a consequence, much slower.
Those computers are sometimes called serial computers.
One theory of the mind that was examined in these experiments was the "brain as serial computer" philosophical metaphor of the 1970s.
A serial computer requires less logic in the data manipulation unit than a parallel computer, but the control unit may be more complicated.
All computers before 1951, and most of the early massive parallel processing machines used a bit-serial architecture-they were serial computers.
Limits to serial computing - both physical and practical reasons pose significant constraints to simply building ever faster serial computers:
PCI Express, a serial computer bus, uses message-signalled interrupts exclusively.
A serial computer is typified by bit-serial architecture - i.e., internally operating on one bit or digit for each clock cycle.
CSIRAC was a serial computer with mercury acoustic delay-line memory.
A text terminal, or often just terminal (sometimes text console) is a serial computer interface for text entry and display.
Machines with serial main storage devices such as acoustic or magnetostrictive delay lines and rotating magnetic devices were usually serial computers.
Historically, each processing element in earlier parallel systems-like all CPUs of that time-was a serial computer built out of multiple chips.
Ingrid Hermentin (born September 26, 1951 in Löwenstein, West Germany) is an artist and pioneer of serial computer graphics.
Although parallel computers are potentially vastly more powerful than serial computers (and could be used in the mathematical modeling of global climate, among other things), they are also difficult to program.
Classical von Neumann serial computers belong to category 'I', which also corresponds to the SISD category in Flynn's taxonomy.
Recent studies in neurology and neuropsychology on mental imagery have further questioned the "mind as serial computer" theory, arguing instead that human mental imagery manifests both visually and kinesthetically.
On a serial computer, our main objective is to minimize as much as possible the number of floating point operations (arithmetic operations), so Guassian Elimination will outperform Cyclic Reduction.
Multiplication, division, square root, as well as all floating-point operations, were performed by subroutines, using the underlying serial computer ALU primitives add, subtract, shift right, shift left, and increment.
Functionally, EDVAC was a binary serial computer with automatic addition, subtraction, multiplication, programmed division and automatic checking with an ultrasonic serial memory capacity of 1,000 44-bit words.
A Growing Number of Uses But now computer designers are finding that problems they once thought could be unraveled only by serial computers can be redefined and solved more quickly by multiple processors.
In data manipulation on a parallel computer all bits of a word are processed at the same time, while on a serial computer the bits of a word are processed one after another.
Riding on top of the neural machinery - the hardware of the brain - is a program that simulates a serial computer, creating a step-by-step narrative from the tumult unfolding in the world and in the head.