Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
The RAM is temporary storage while the hard disk is semi-permanent storage.
A benefit, aside from the semi-permanent storage of the displayed image, is that the brightness of the resultant display is only limited by the illumination source and optics.
From most of these devices tapes were issuing-tapes that, en route to semi-permanent storage, were being monitored by specialists in the hundreds of different fields of the Llurdan-Jelmi economy.
Storage space can also be boosted by plugging a small SD-card flash memory (16GB versions are now widely available) into one of two ports, one of which is designated to act as semi-permanent storage.
Digitised maps (electronic spatial data) available on CD-ROM or some other semi-permanent storage device relating to the ACT may be acquired selectively, within resources available for their purchase, storage and use.