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A lot of it - the part in the middle - is semidesert.
There were low hills around, much growth such as would be found in any semidesert area.
I point to the lake down below us, so strange in the middle of the semidesert, but he doesn't show any interest.
The whole city was one green carpet, nothing like the brown semidesert of Southern California.
On the territory of the settlement is dominated by brown semidesert soils.
These are mostly North American natives from semidesert or desert areas.
However, this night was cool, and may have even felt chilly to people accustomed to a semidesert climate.
It is semidesert here, everything burned up and dry except for a lake, a large reservoir of some sort below us.
But the crater is not entirely an arid semidesert.
Approximately three quarters of Mauritania is desert or semidesert.
Today, 15 million people live in that semidesert: the Los Angeles metropolitan area.
The southern area of the Mughalzhar Hills is a semidesert.
In this semidesert land, large bands of janjaweed can be spotted relatively easily.
We have huge diversity here, including semidesert, riparian tropical forest, freshwater and saltwater.
All the islands are mountainous, and have some semidesert regions as well as fertile valleys.
The climate is temperate cold semidesert.
It can be found in a variety of habitats including semidesert, savannah, coastal bush, and fynbos.
It was semidesert ahead.
The road just faded out into the semidesert, vanishing into a deeply rutted dirt trail.
Delano is located within a semidesert climatic zone, receiving 5.72 inches of rainfall annually.
The northern half of the Central Valley receives greater precipitation than the semidesert southern half.
I could see Swan-nee in my mind's eye so dearly that she was almost like a mirage superimposed on the semidesert landscape around us.
Arid savannah and semidesert.
They live close to rivers, streams, and other sources of fresh water in semidesert, open grassland, or swampy habitats throughout the region.
The transition from the barren semidesert to the vivid green of the oasis where he had situated his fort was as startling as ever.