The chairman's semi-annual report on Fed monetary policy comes when the central bank's actions have been more enigmatic than normal.
Evidence of the offices' return on investment to taxpayers can be seen through their semi-annual reports to Congress, most of which are available on each office's website.
A semi-annual report shall be given to the General Council at its April and October meetings.
In a series of recent semi-annual reports, the Labor Department's inspector general has cited evidence that many companies have miscalculated the benefits paid by certain plans.
The Board prepares semi-annual reports containing its views and recommendations pertaining to the Academy.
Nine survey forms and 25 surveyors produce semi-annual reports with statistical precision exceeding 95% 5%.
The school district releases semi-annual report to gauge the progress of the plan.
The Center releases a semi-annual report called "The Costs of Occupation".
This week's meeting is more significant than most because it precedes by one week the central bank's semi-annual report to Congress on monetary policy and the economy.
The bureau's statistics are then bought by various organizations, including the NationalAssociation of Home Builders, which analyzes the data in semi-annual reports.