Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
It can also apply to an approach that looks for greater semantic properties and implementation power.
In other words, the word girl can have three basic factors (or semantic properties): human, young, and female.
Others retain only a few of the semantic properties of the original.
This cannot be explained by coreferring names having different semantic properties.
These typically express the semantic properties more directly than thematic relations.
Typically, a rule of inference preserves truth, a semantic property.
A semantic class contains words that share a semantic property.
The propositional attitudes of the mind are token mental representations with semantic properties.
A sign's feature structure describes its phonological, syntactic, and semantic properties.
But some symbols acquire their additional semantic properties from some characteristic they have as actions or things.
Eliminativists point out that these states are generally ascribed syntactic and semantic properties.
It consists of a lexicon which is based on annotating over 100,000 sentences with their semantic properties.
Both varieties are similar in their phonological, morphological, syntactic and semantic properties.
Finally, a word's syntactic and semantic properties cannot be accessed until all (or most) of its acoustic material has been processed.
Technically, intensifiers roughly qualify a point on the affective semantic property, which is gradable.
Here the semantic property of 'number' was retained but the actual quantity it represented was reassigned.
In this sense, semantic properties are used to define the semantic field of a word or set of words.
As a matter of fact, there is no reason why language-users should be specially attuned to the semantic properties of words.
The matrix left-division operator concisely expresses some semantic properties of matrices.
According to Kripke, this demonstrates that attributing additional semantic properties to names does not explain what it is intended to prove.
Logics are usually systems intended to codify rules for preserving some semantic property of propositions across transformations.
An additional necessity for performing compound recognition is that many of the compounds will have different syntactic and semantic properties than the individual word combinations.
But the same phenomenon occurs even with coreferring names that obviously have the same semantic properties:
According to this, moral terms such as 'good', 'ought' and 'right' have two logical or semantic properties: universalizability and prescriptivity.
Axioms are a facility pertaining to concepts supplied by C++11 to express the semantic properties of concepts.