Some film stock was made out of nitrate which is very flammable, so those employees working with the film operated in fireproof rooms that had self-closing fireproof doors.
Fire Department sources said that explanation made no sense, adding that tenants sometimes disabled the self-closing doors because they can be inconvenient.
But inspectors did find five serious violations at Boland Hall, including the absence of self-closing doors; missing fire extinguishers; and illuminated fire-exit signs that were missing or broken.
The acceptance of the form by the Department of Buildings would allow a contractor to get a construction permit for the installation of a new fire-rated, self-closing door.
"The object of the requirement for the fire-rated, self-closing door is to prevent the spread of fire and smoke between the buildings," Mr. de Winter said.
Commissioner McLaughlin said the absence of a self-closing door was the most serious violation because it permitted the smoke and heat to spread.
If a basement is used, the Fire Department says, the wood must be in its own room with sprinklers and self-closing doors.
Since few New Yorkers have separate basements with sprinklers and self-closing doors, some people use a bathtub.
Its self-closing door, with the automatic light switch, proved that it had been converted to some other purpose.
A lighted canopy allows you to customize the display freezer with elegant branding to further entice your customers into opening its self-closing door to purchase your wares.