To label them prion diseases, which implies that the causal organism is a self replicating protein containing no nucleic acid, is to obstruct research.
Oh dear, don't forget that renowned scientist Prince Charles's fears of us being swamped by self replicating "grey goo"
The TV series Lexx featured an army of self replicating robots known as Mantrid drones.
It is difficult to (for me) fathom a self replicating cell without this ability.
Noting another proof that self-replicating machines are possible is the simple fact that all living organisms are self replicating by definition.
The subject of his PhD Thesis was "self replicating machines".
The file is self replicating and is modified on a regular basis as long as port 80 is active.
Keyed to Cayleb's genetic coding, the self replicating nano-machines would hunt down and destroy anything that didn't "belong" to him.
It is important to consider other self replicating genetic elements such as satelliviruses, viroids and ribozymes.
Make them self replicating so it would spread over the undeveloped portions of the planet!