It is considered that the self concept and the values a manager holds are of central importance in understanding motivation.
Distortion occurs when the individual perceives a threat to their self concept.
(For the psychologically ill, reality and the self concept may drift further apart.)
Social psychology bases many of its concepts on the belief that a person's self concept is shaped by the people with whom he or she interacts.
The 'negative self concept' as a personality measure.
The former may be supported by testing although test results are essentially evidence to enable the individual to clarify his own self concept.
In sociology, it describes any person or persons with a strong influence on an individual's self concept.
Reality therapy has also been found effective with improving the self concept of elementary school students.
Women who possess a body image self-discrepancy associate failure to reach a thin-ideal with their self concept.
Reference groups and self concepts as factors in educational and vocational problems of youth.