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A 3D seismic survey was acquired in 2004 which showed great oil potential.
Japan is also spending $100 million to build its own seismic survey ship.
We don't know how far it goes down - it's below the reach of our seismic surveys.
In response, the government have placed seismic surveys "on hold" during 2009 pending further research.
For these reasons, great care must be taken when interpreting the results of a reflection seismic survey.
The company creates seismic surveys and sells data from its library.
The pockets had been discovered during the first seismic survey, early in the twenty-first century.
With careful planning, this can greatly reduce the environmental impact of a land seismic survey.
So far, it has a permanent staff of 20 in Kazakhstan doing seismic surveys.
Seismic survey and core sample drilling is scheduled to start late summer/early fall of 2010.
Models are based on measurements taken in the field, including well logs, seismic surveys, and production history.
The passive seismic survey has much less measurements but they are frequently recorded for days.
By using more advanced three-dimensional seismic surveys, new deposits have been found.
Next year, the research team plans an extensive seismic survey of the plain using techniques from oil exploration.
"It's the base for the explosive charges used in the seismic surveys.
Work on the glacier included radar measurements and seismic surveys.
The Dauletabad arch was confirmed by seismic surveys in 1968.
The only new technology that was being introduced at the time was the 4-dimensional seismic survey monitoring.
"You've been helping Ian with his seismic survey, then."
The $300 million appraisal program will include drilling one exploration well and conducting a 3-D seismic survey.
Its main function was the ordering seismic surveys of Freifjorden, which gave positive results.
Petroleum seismic surveys routinely record field data which are many terabytes in size.
Seismic surveys involve the generation of sound waves to measure underground structures.
Western Geophysical built a number of significant seismic survey vessels over the years, in different classes depending on the role.
The size and scale of seismic surveys has increased alongside the significant concurrent increases in computer power during the last 25 years.