Annuli are commonly found in segmented animals such as earthworms and leeches.
Tardigrades (commonly known as waterbears or moss piglets) are small, water-dwelling, segmented animals with eight legs.
Lepidocaris rhyniensis is a segmented animal with 23 body segments.
They are reminders of the earliest days of segmented animals, which include crabs, insects and earthworms.
Duplication of homeobox genes can produce new body segments, and such duplications are likely to have been important in the evolution of segmented animals.
Like other annelids, the leech is a segmented animal.
An earthworm is a tube-shaped, segmented animal that is commonly found living in soil, feeding on live and dead organic matter.
While the early segmented animals were perfecting their adaptations for living on land and away from moisture, the plants were also changing.
The thing was a half-meter-long segmented animal with what looked like a shiny metallic carapace.
We now know a good deal about how the development of segmented animals is controlled.