During the prosperous times, jobs were seen as long term even to the point of being lifelong.
This was seen in the fact that all necessary announcements or reports began to be short-lipped and to the point.
He always saw straight to the point of an argument.
She had turned a little, her eyes now focused on the wall as if she could really see through it to the point she sought.
But this time, you'll see the flame all the way down to the point of ignition.
She tries to see both sides of an issue, sometimes to the point of confusion.
It was hard to see ahead to the point we're at now.
But he is seen losing control of his secret life, to the point where the mirror's alter ego just may take him over.
He had a canopy of combat cars overhead to see to the latter point.
The text can be seen to the point that it is clearly readable.