But the question remains: Who will secure us against security?
I'd been afraid of something like that, but we didn't have any way to secure the system against people who knew what they were doing.
But as you can see, this is a very strong base, secure against attack.
Several times during the 1800s the church has been secured against decline.
In this case, a mortgage is secured against the house.
When somebody passed a bad check and had to make good on it, he'd naturally like to secure himself against the future.
"We're making the facilities secure against anybody who ought not be there."
Thus, in small ways, we secure ourselves against extinction for another winter.
Money is created by private banks in the form of debt secured against assets.
The Constitution was no longer focused just on the individual struggling to secure his freedom against the government.
The 4th Amendment gives people the right to be secure against unreasonable search.
As time went on he could make it more secure against cold.
We have to be secure against all of that.
No place could have been more secure against a surprise attack.
At least that would be secure against the wind, for a while.
The wind tore at them, but they were secure against it.
And as we know, the public key technology is secure against this sort of scenario.
The place didn't seem as secure against the riffraff anymore.
People must have confidence in the system, and know that it is secure against fraud.
Lane was of course not going to carry the money with him; it had to be secure against betrayal.