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Eventually they changed the secondary colour to yellow.
Black was added as a secondary colour and the striping returned to a more pedestrian design.
Grey was also added as a secondary colour.
In late October, 2010, the Panthers announced that rust would no longer be a secondary colour for the club.
White is the secondary colour.
Features like secondary colour correction were originally used to establish colour continuity.
For the 2008/9 season the team will sport new uniforms, with the designs similar to previous years with a new secondary colour of sky blue.
The club now uses tangerine socks, though navy was used as a secondary colour in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
In normal cells, the secondary colour is observed, but only the primary colours are observed when the translocation occurs.
With their official colours still Black, Teal green and rust red the alternate jersey was chosen to represent their secondary colour.
Matt Dunigan: 1999, 2009-Present (secondary colour commentator)
Glen Suitor: 1995-1997 (secondary colour commentator), 1998-Present (lead colour commentator)
Danny McManus: 2007 (secondary colour commentator)
Duane Forde: 2008-Present (secondary colour commentator)
Leif Pettersen: 1987-1997 (lead colour commentator), 1998, 2005-2006 (secondary colour commentator)
Most officials wore in addition to their dark green Waffenfarbe a secondary colour (Nebenfarbe) denoting their branch:
The triple achromat, which reduced secondary colour defects, was invented in 1763 by Dollond's son Peter Dollond.
Although the pattern in the warp is the same as the one across, where the two colours cross you get a secondary colour, and that's what makes a successful plaid.'
Oreads, Mountain Nymphs (Red) Nereids official colour is white, although throughout the years it has come to adopt purple as its secondary colour.
Each team's main colour made up the bottom half of the shirt, their secondary colour made up the top half and a white stripe surrounded the shirt over the chest.
The stripe consists of the main colour (that which is not Black or White) being in the middle with edges of the secondary colour (either Black or White).
In 1985-86 the green on the uniforms was darkened and the arm stripes were deleted in favour of broad swathes of secondary colour across the shoulders and down the arms.
After a year with CTV Sportsnet, he rejoined HNIC in 1999-2000 as the network's secondary colour commentator, mostly covering the second game of weekly doubleheader.
Officials of the Wehrmacht who worked in Military Supreme Courts wore shoulder straps without the "HV" and had the secondary colour of Bordeaux red (Bordorot).
The Cowboys home jerseys have stayed predominately navy blue over the years, with white, grey and yellow all being the predominate secondary colour at some stage, with the away jerseys predominately white.
The primary school color is blue, with secondary colors of white and red.
Red is sometimes used as a secondary color in athletic team uniforms.
White is often used as a secondary color and for alternate jerseys.
The combination of any two primary colors creates a secondary color.
White was adopted as a secondary color in the 1940s.
A secondary color has a total intensity of 2.
From 1910 she began to use pure primary and secondary colours.
Some assays are designed so that the secondary color will be present or absent in cases of interest.
Cyan is a secondary color of light, along with magenta and yellow.
The official color of the fraternity is white, the unofficial secondary colors are gold and black.
Mostly primary and secondary colours are applied with contrast for face painting.
The accent color is the secondary color used in stamped concrete.
When two primary colors are combined in equal intensities, the result is a "secondary color".
Secondary colors are green, representing the color of life, and red, representing death.
Yellow and - more recently - gold have also been used as secondary colours on the club's home shirts.
Four inks are used: three secondary colors plus black.
Groups use diagonal stripes of the branch's secondary color.
The corresponding secondary colors are green, orange, and violet.
"The purest of primary and secondary colors," he said.
The complementary of a secondary color is the primary color that wasn't used to make it.
Navy remains but a sandy beige replaces orange as a secondary color.
Poor trap leads to colour shift in the secondary colours.
He added black as the secondary color.
The green of the chlorophyll is so strong, the secondary colors are masked for most of the year.
Eventually they changed the secondary colour to yellow.