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If sea waves and two swell systems can be observed, then all four groups are reported.
Sea waves have potential for even greater energy - 4 times more per square meter than wind.
Then the water was pulled out of the port by the sea wave and we started running."
Their shape has been formed through the years by erosion from sea waves.
Out to sea waves of 10 metres in height were recorded.
Sometimes we peripheral vessels passing, sea waves can be rather high.
The sea waves during the summer rarely exceed 2 meters.
The formation is very hard and not erodible by sea waves.
A greater portion of the fort has since been washed away by the sea waves.
Someday we'll even figure out how to make natural-looking sea waves.
And compelling his attention from everything else, the rhythm swept through him like sea waves.
And the pound of sea waves was also a vibration carrying through the rock.
Percé rock's two large holes were cut through by the sea waves.
He declared they were both to drown there in the "sad sea waves".
If the model proves successful, they will launch the establishment of sea wave power plants throughout China.
Night was dark about Charis, but she could hear the murmur of sea waves not too far away.
The company has developed a power-plant that produces electricity from sea waves.
The statement added that the was not connected to its technology for converting "sea wave energy into electricity".
The winds boomed and broke against the tower like sea waves.
He played with her as she gently rocked on top of him like a cresting sea wave.
If sea waves and one swell system are observed then the first three groups are reported.
Is a tsunami (seismic sea wave) a risk to this facility?
Wave power - using ocean and sea waves for power generation.
The video ends showing all musical instruments left shattered by the sea waves.
The technology of producing electricity from sea waves is innovative and a leading method worldwide.