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He could smell the ocean, but also sea lavender and asters in the air.
The dominant species here are sea lavender and other numerous types of grasses.
It is famous for its large variety in salt-resistant flora, such as Sea lavender.
Her garden, the profusion of rugosa rose and sea lavender along the shore.
That land is home to pheasants and deer, marsh grass, cactus and sea lavender.
In July each year, the rock sea lavender blooms, along with rock samphire.
I hung bunches of sea lavender and the pungent sea wormwood in the kitchen.
Sea lavender and glasswort flourish, along with tamarisks and reeds.
I used silverweed leaves, with a few pieces of sea lavender, or statice, tucked in between them.
The perfect village, all pine bough, sea lavender and sand dollar, meets a fate unexpected but not implausible, given the characters.
Members are also known as Sea Lavender, Statice, or Marsh-rosemary.
On the strandline there is rock sea lavender (Limonium binervosum).
In the damper areas, sea wormwood, sea lavender and scrubby sea-blite also thrive.
High marshes are usually dominated by salt meadow grass, spike grass, sea lavender and low vigor smooth cordgrass.
Sea Lavender, the common name of a group of herbaceous plants found mainly along the seacoasts of the Northern Hemisphere.
The basic shape was composed of silverweed leaves, with some sea lavender tucked in between them, then the largest blue delphiniums were positioned around the curve.
Plants such as sea lavenders (Limonium spp.)
In August and September, the Zwin turns mauve with flowering sea lavender, a natural habitat for, among other life forms, cyclists.
Rock sea lavender Limonium binervosum agg.
Pleasure Beach is a protected refuge for endangered birds (piping plover, osprey) and plants (prickly pear cactus, southern sea lavender).
Thrift (Armeria) and Sea Lavender (Limonium), have small flowers in dense clusters.
Sea purslane, sea lavender, meadow grass and heather eventually grade into a typical non-maritime terrestrial eco-system.
Silver or White: Honesty, milkweed, pearly everlasting, Queen Anne's lace, sea lavender, statice.
The animals spend their life grazing on a diet of salt marsh grasses, samphire, sea lavender, sorrel and thrift, which gives the meat a fine flavour.
Despite the common name, Matted Sea Lavender is not related to the lavenders, but is a perennial herb with flowers with five petals in clusters.