And, after that, some scrumptious dessert.
Specialities include home-smoked salmon and some scrumptious desserts.
For about $20, I filled up on savory potato dumplings with mustard seeds and cashews, coconut-vegetable stew, and a scrumptious dessert of rice balls in thick sweet milk sauce.
The other half of the menu listed mainly seafood, a virtuous choice for diners planning to have one of the scrumptious desserts.
First up is the fabulous antipasto buffet, prepared from scratch every night, followed by delicious grilled lamb and scrumptious home-made desserts.
The dimly lighted restaurant serves stylish American dishes, like roast chicken and pan-roasted quail, and scrumptious desserts like toasted angel food cake.
Leo's serves half portions, which means that one always has room for the scrumptious desserts (rhubarb crumble or zucchini chocolate chip cake, for instance).
The delectable choices range from full meals to typically scrumptious desserts and excellent espresso and cappuccino.
The next day, he was pleasantly surprised to find out what a scrumptious dessert he had created.
Innovative sandwiches, some vegan, and scrumptious desserts too.