You will then be scheduled to take the first screening examination which is similar to the format of DECS, and contains questions involving abstract reasoning.
For a period of 5 years, a total of 311,082 screening examinations were done by SFM and 56,518 by FFDM.
Under a 1986 law, if any person goes to the emergency department of a hospital for treatment, the hospital has to provide a "medical screening examination."
Between November 1985 and March 1988 participants completed questionnaires and attended a screening examination.
Emergency services, as defined in the bill, include a medical screening examination to evaluate the patient and any further treatment that may be required to stabilize the patient's condition.
An H.M.O. or an insurance company would have to cover the initial screening examination if a prudent lay person would consider it necessary.
Editors are those who have passed the annual screening examinations for editors, and manage their respective sections.
Captain Fahey said it was unclear whether initial screening examinations occurred in the early 1970's.
Under Federal law, a hospital must provide "an appropriate medical screening examination" to any patient who requests care in its emergency room.
Mrs. Pirro's spokeswoman, Anne Marie Corbalis, said the insurance policies he bought apparently did not require a screening examination.