Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
He'd scrawled out a number of questions raised by the case.
Her name was scrawled on the bottom of a list.
The man was scrawling something on a piece of paper.
There was an address scrawled on the paper, nothing else.
He even scrawled down the phone number of the governor's office and gave it to his wife.
He scrawled it quickly on the back of his card.
At least it has his name scrawled in one corner.
Then he went over to scrawl details on the board.
She drew near, and saw her name had been scrawled on it.
He finally made out the word scrawled on the slate.
A case number and my name had been scrawled on the top two bands.
There was nothing more, just her name scrawled across the bottom of the page.
"Call me if anything happens," he said, and scrawled down his phone number.
Scrawled on the back is a message to her from a thousand years ago.
Michael's name was scrawled across the date in bright red.
He scrawled numbers on the face of his pocket computer.
Didn't even take them off when he scrawled his name.
I feel like a child taught to scrawl his name, who is given a book and told to read it.
The note was short, scrawled by hand and not very detailed.
"Get out from our country," someone had scrawled on a wall nearby.
He scrawled lines of dialogue at home for about a year.
Gwen's name and room number scrawled on paper by his computer.
Scrawling with his left hand, he managed to get the words onto paper.
On it someone had scrawled three talking points about his opponent.
Perhaps a small box with the words big clue scrawled across the top.