The score predicts recovery in those with Bell's palsy.
The scores predicted future achievement equally well for blacks and whites.
This score predicts whether the protein is targeted for the nucleus or the cytoplasm based upon the amino acid sequence.
A typical way to achieve this is the extent to which a score on a personality test can predict future performance or behavior.
However, a high score does not necessarily predict success in a high level job.
In psychometrics, predictive validity is the extent to which a score on a scale or test predicts scores on some criterion measure.
The score supposedly predicts the default probability of a borrower based on vast historical credit, default and personal data.
Even good scores can't predict future success.
A LEMS of 50 is normal, and scores of 30 or higher typically predict ability to walk.
(ex: Do high scores on a 4th grade reading test accurately predict reading skill in future grades?)