The top student score at the Academy has been 676 points.
What is the probability that a student scores between 78 and 88?
The results excluded the scores of special education and limited English students, officials said.
Merit pay based on student scores has been tried for centuries with poor results.
If the student scores above an 850, he/she is considered to be exceeding the standards in that subject area.
"This question will have no effect on student scores."
Reading scores of 9-year-old white students rose 5 points, to 226 in 2004 from 221 in 1999.
The private schools appeared to have an achievement advantage when the raw scores of students were considered alone.
During the 1970's, officials bought another system to process student scores on citywide reading tests.
Perhaps by this example it is meant that the student scores between the 80th and 81st percentiles.