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That makes your schnozzle dribble bad when you got a cold.
"Are you trying to say that I have to kiss this alien's schnozzle?"
"Any guy with a big schnozzle is likely to have that moniker.
"And keep that schnozzle of yours clean, if you don't want to be looking for it under the bed."
"How'd you like that problem corrected by amputation of your schnozzle?"
I hit him with a flurry of lefts and rights while he was still trying to get over the initial pop on the schnozzle.
The film is also known as The Great Schnozzle in the United Kingdom.
He stopped, gasping and I expected someone to bop him one on the schnozzle, and I think he did, too.
Big Boy and Palooka (also known as The Great Schnozzle)
Jimmy Durante as Clarence 'Schnozzle'
"Oh, I wish I could keep you for my very own pet, along with my other pets," she said, touching her pert nose to its hideous schnozzle.
Indeed, Cramer had just inserted his schnozzle into The Martha Stewart Show (another NBC show).
Three years ago, Lillie, the affable next-door neighbor with the dexterous schnozzle and a thing for peanuts, was precipitously crammed in a box and given a one-way ticket to the Bronx.
He would have bet money the schnoz got passed on.
Let's see, he was hit in the schnoz by a goose and had to get two whole stitches.
Apparently his perfect schnoz was not 400 percent stronger than the average nose, because it broke.
You can get it mashed and have nothing to show for your trouble but a cauliflower schnoz.
I caught only a glimpse of a little dink with a shiny head and an epic schnoz.
That schnoz resembled a bratwurst jutting from his face.
The boxer's schnoz only adds to his machismo.
But what makes our schnoz get soppy?
I laughed, snorting beer up my schnoz just about the time Cindy blew in and plopped into our booth.
"C'mon, put your head back while I get some cold water on your schnoz.
"This isn't like having a big schnoz.
This is Nicole and her Big Fake Schnoz.
After holing out for 12, the Schnoz turned to his companion and asked, 'What should I give the caddie?'
And the ultimate proof is sitting on his desk, in the form of a newly issued Beanie Baby toy with a telltale tubular schnoz.
"Broke my schnoz."
The smallest is a tiny hawk's head, the bird's ferocious beak, like the schnoz of a Grand Inquisitor, the salient thing about it.
There was a flying wedding cake, and a flying nose ("The Schnoz") and a disco-ball-bagel-flying-fish contraption.
"At least beauty sleep doesme some good, Beak Schnoz," she shot back, and Sean grinned and rubbed his nose, acknowledging her hit.
Frasier (1998, TV episode Roz and the Schnoz)
She loved Jimmy Durante, giant schnoz and all, and sang for Johnny Weismuller and Joan Crawford.
Cpl. Aubrey P. "Schnoz" McGeehee (Silver Star)
Gemma Arterton plays Tamara, a posh girl from the catatonically sleepy village of Ewedown, whom locals remember as having a bit of a schnoz.
Bob Baffert grimaces at the thought of one of his eight horses in the Breeders' Cup edging into the winner's circle with a black patch on his or her schnoz.
Except for a ten-inch, elephantlike schnoz he could have passed for the world's fattest human, but he was Loghyr, one of a race so rare nobody has seen a live one in my lifetime.