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The most winning examples manage to combine their schematization with a measure of sensuousness.
And though such radical schematization lends itself to the broadest, blackest humor, its limitations are obvious.
This work likely dates to the early 2nd century and shows a schematization of the divine history divided into ten ambiguous periods of time called "weeks."
Her fondnesss for simplification, schematization and the frozen moment is directed also towards natural shoreline scenes and these nicely modulated transformations can work quite well.
In New York terms - to invoke a brutal schematization - the ghetto is Lincoln Center, and "outside" equals the Brooklyn Academy of Music.
The central idea of Living Logic is to uncover the way in which language and schematization not only depart from reality, but many times encounter problems that do not exist.
Mr. Greenaway's love of puzzles, riddles, obscure references and obsessive schematization is truly astounding, but it is rarely matched by an equivalent interest in whatever has set these maneuvers in motion.
In Form in Indigenous Art: Schematization in the Art of Aboriginal Australia and Prehistoric Europe, Prehistory and Material Culture Series, no. 13, ed.
Errors of omission in the drawing of signs, which are much more problematic when the writing is cursive (hieratic) writing, but especially demotic, where the schematization of the signs is extreme.
All comment on hi-tech schematization and all invent mutations to their prototype dot, although Ms. Mark's wonderful modulations of resonant, light-infused black also bring to mind the mysteries of Odilon Redon.
In 1944, Austrian economist Oskar Morgenstern presented a rigorous schematization of an ordinal utility function (the Von Neumann-Morgenstern utility theorem) in Theory of Games and Economic Behavior.
His comfort level had already been surpassed with the 1907 works of Matisse and Derain, which he perceived as perilous, 'an uncertain schematization, proscribing relief and volumes in the name of I know not what principle of pictorial abstraction.'
And while such later novels as "The New Confessions" (1988) and "Brazzaville Beach" (1991) suffered from a certain schematization, they also pointed up Mr. Boyd's ambition and broadening vision, his determination to examine the intersection of public events with private lives.
On the blade geo- metrical shapes were incised, but also eagles and snakes, in which case their schematization requires the existence of a certain "code", or they were an emblem that underlined the membership of a certain brotherhood at arms or a certain social status, as well possible to have a mistical/magical component included.
Finally, he stresses that while many feel an "emotional repugnance" to schematization of poetry, the schematization should be regarded as an aspect of criticism, not the vibrant, personal, direct experience of the work itself-much as the geologist turns away from his or her systematic work to enjoy the beauty of the mountains.
Constraining the analogy, as a matter of psychological structure, to a schematisation of real or vicarious bodily experience is new.
In defense of Haeckel's embryo drawings, the principal argument is that of "schematisation."
Schematisation and symboling.
Therefore, the antitriptic schematisation applies to flows that take place near the Earth's surface, in a region known as constant-stress layer.
He saw Marxism not as a final, self-sufficient schematisation of history, but rather as a collection of pointers to the understanding of human affairs.
The majority of the Venus figurines appear to be depictions of females that follow certain artistic conventions, on the lines of schematisation and stylisation.
He is critical not only of what he views as the aesthetic escapism of modernism, but also of the crude and facile schematisation of Stalinist socialist realism.
The Ekman layer's schematisation is also mentioned for completeness, and is treated separately since it involves the internal friction of air rather than that between air and ground.
The cyclostrophic schematisation is realistic when Coriolis and frictional forces are both negligible, that is for flows having large Rossby number and small Ekman number.
On the other hand, his close examination of R (and RJE) was welcomed as innovative and useful, as was his schematisation of the arguments in favour of the documentary model.
The speed of a geostrophic stream is larger (smaller) than that in the curved flow around a pressure low (high) with the same pressure gradient: this feature is explained by the more general gradient-flow schematisation.