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The scavenger cell has now betrayed the whole animal it is supposed to defend.
Macrophages are scavenger cells that are an important part of this process.
Each sac is often guarded by a single scavenger cell, or macrophage.
This search-and-destroy mission is usually carried out by powerful scavenger cells found in the liver.
The scavenger cells, or macrophages, swarmed in response to the irritation.
Scavenger cells in the body destroy infectious agents.
It is consumed by a scavenger cell, called a macrophage (Latin for big eater).
Some antibodies coat the harmful organisms so that the body's scavenger cells can recognize and destroy them more easily.
The callers are seeking new tests that can detect the virus in macrophages, scavenger cells of the immune system.
LDL must first be oxidized before the scavenger cells will engulf it.
But when they mixed the scavenger cells and LDL cholesterol in the laboratory, nothing happened.
Macrophages, as the immune system's scavenger cells, are well-suited for carrying the virus to other cells of the body.
The anthrax bacilli are carried by scavenger cells to the lymph nodes behind the lungs and in front of the spine.
These cells include T-4 cells, which fight infections, and macrophages, which are scavenger cells.
These cells are trapped in the artery wall, where they are transformed into macrophages, or scavenger cells.
Researchers expected that the scavenger cells were simply gobbling excess LDL cholesterol.
Scavenger cells of the immune system must crawl through layers of tissue to reach hidden pockets of infection.
Macrophage:a large scavenger cell present in connective tissue and in many major organs and tissues.
This shape allows the microglial free movement throughout the neural tissue, which allows it to fulfill its role as a scavenger cell.
The rougher pulp [2] passes to a bank of scavenger cells where additional reagents may be added.
His research became focused on white bood cells called phagocytes, scavenger cells that seek out and kill invading microbes.
As they mature, these cells change dramatically and turn into monocytes and macrophages, scavenger cells of the immune system.
The body's scavenger cells remove the shattered pigment and some skin cells are shed, as they are when a sunburn peels.
Macrophages, or scavenger cells, "graze" on the fibrin coated implant, producing peroxide and other destructive forms of oxygen.
Once oxidized, LDL cholesterol can be taken up by scavenger cells that deposit the fatty substance on artery walls.