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"I see you brought off all your own goods without scathe."
"Pray for us all, that we come out of this without scathe."
It looked quite unscathed, having been the cause of considerable scathe in other people.
Our people have never suffered scathe from these folk."
Even the slightest scathe by one of those snakes would have been a whole lot of trouble.
Such ladders are easily overthrown, to the scathe of the men clinging to them.
Numb with leprosy, blunt and awkward, incapable, yes; yet they had held power without scathe.
A virtuous and a Christian-like conclusion, To pray for them that have done scathe to us!
We have been left without scathe!"
I trust you have no scathe?"
Betimes they find they've engulfed a wasp, to their scathe and dolor."
To maintain candour and fidelity in love and devotion to the tried friend: though he strike me I will do him no scathe.
He closed his mouth, willing himself not to feel the scathe of astonished hurt, and made himself incline his head.
In what form has the foul fiend appeared, and how has he done this grievous scathe to our brethren?
"There is no one to hear, since we are alone upon the rampart, nor can it do scathe, since it points to sea.
"My Viking comrades had scathe thereby and villages smoked on England's western coast.
"My honor would surely be concerned, since my loss is a private one; but it would be to the public scathe that you should go free.
The Scathe View system disseminates intelligence data and information directly to ground forces in real time via on-board voice and data communications suites.
The white plague had come upon the city and many were stricken, but I laid my hands upon the sick and nursed them without fear or scathe.
For bothe two here I the bede bot two bare myntes boute scathe.
The USAF Big Safari group was put in charge of the decoy effort, which was codenamed "Project Scathe Mean".
In September 2007, the Nevada Air National Guard utilized the Scathe View system in the search for millionaire adventurer and pilot Steve Fossett.
This conversion also included a modification, which will provide an additional Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) asset to the Air National Guard called Scathe View.
The strange knight gazed on him, and spake: "Will you, for Arthur's royal sake, Be warrant for me that I take No scathe from strife that man may make?
Schaden derives from the Middle High German schade, from the Old High German scado, and is a cognate with English scathe.